West Street Church, Somerton TA11 7PR, UK

Our Sunday services are at 10.30am, and are followed by coffee, tea and a time to chat. We hope you will join us.

On 1st and 3rd Sundays we precede the morning service with informal singing of popular hymns and worship songs from 10.15.

Holy Communion forms part of our services at least once a month, on dates announced. All are welcome.

There are occasional services held in the evening, and these take a variety of forms, from Healing Services, to joint Services with our friends in Churches Together in Somerton, as well as Circuit and Group joint services. Times and dates will be announced.

The Church is open for prayer every Tuesday morning between 10.30 and 11am. The first Tuesday of the month is a time of silent prayer and meditation.

Regular events and activities

Somerton sings for fun - 2nd and 4th Mondays 11am

Women's Fellowship - 2nd Wednesday, 2.45pm

Rainbow Rascals - Thursdays, term time only, 9am.
On 1st and 3rd weeks NHS baby clinic also meets on the premises

Path Sales - held throughout the year at dates to be announced

The church building is used by many community organisations, clubs and groups, including 

Citizens Advice
open on Tuesday mornings, 10 - 12 for free consultations on a wide variety of issues.

Opportunities - Coffee & more...
open on 2nd and 4th Friday mornings, from 10 - 12 drop in for coffee and a chat, play games or try a craft, or find information on a wide variety of issues.

Organisations wishing to book any of our rooms please contact our Bookings Secretary, Pam White, 01458 273512.

More information on West Street Church activities and organisations here.

West Street Church is affiliated to the Somerset Mendip Circuit of the Methodist Church - link to their web site here, and to the Mid Somerset Group of the United Reformed Church, whose web site is here. Please visit and see what is going on in our area.

Connect - a monthly newsletter for West Street Church - is distributed on the first Sunday of every month.